“Can a designer bag cost less than a “designer” bag?”
EUTERPE’s project develops starting from this query, which summarizes the need to find in the market a high-quality product with an accessible price. We dreamed a bag that provided those peculiar features needed to call it “a new luxury”. A luxury that cannot be judged from the price but from the craftsman who produced it, from the research of its materials and from the study of its details.

Who chooses an EUTERPE’s bag, chooses an original, remarkable, timeless design. Who chooses an EUTERPE’s bag, knows the importance of Made in Italy and stands up against ‘fast fashion'.
Who chooses an EUTERPE’s bag chooses a buying concept studied to make the world a less polluted place to live in.
“When you draw a bag, you cannot only consider its appearance. Today it cannot only be a beautiful accessory. It is nowadays considered and experienced as an object of utilization which must satisfy certain needs. It is important to me to offer a successful combination of design and ease – so that every bag can be beautiful but also functional – and able to adapt to the needs of the women who wear it. I wish that every bag conveys what I personally look for in this certain type of accessory. I wish it could provide what I am and what I set out to be. I wish it will scream a new, dynamic and chic femininity.”